
Taurine deficiency as a driver of aging

Aging is associated with physiological changes that range in scale from organelles to organ systems, but we are still working to understand the molecular basis for these changes. Studying various animals, Singh et al. found that the amount of the semi-essential amino acid taurine in circulation decreased with age (see the Perspective by McGaunn and Baur). Supplementation with taurine slowed key markers of aging such as increased DNA damage, telomerase deficiency, impaired mitochondrial function, and cellular senescence. Loss of taurine in humans was associated with aging-related diseases, and concentrations of taurine and its metabolites increased in response to exercise. Taurine supplementation improved life span in mice and health span in monkeys. -L. Bryan Ray

Πηγή: Science (9 Jun 2023 | Vol 380, Issue 6649)